Baby Li (l) at 3 lbs 8 oz is the exact size that Baby Yu (r) was when she arrived less than 2 months earlier. Hard to believe she was ever that tiny and fragile. We hope that he shows the same dramatic changes over the next 2 months!


China Little Flower was registered as a non-profit organization in the state of Nebraska in 1998. We received 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status from the IRS in 2000.

Our work in China began with a home for handicapped orphans in the eastern province of Shandong in 1998. Since that time, we have expanded our work to other areas of north China. Our projects focus on caring for abandoned children, but at times also include translating and publishing literature that promotes a respect for life, aiding women in crisis with unplanned pregnancies, working with children who have lost parents to AIDS, and providing medical care and surgeries to children in poor families.

In everything we do, our goal is to work alongside local staff, empowering them with the knowledge and experience to continue and expand the work on their own all over China.




PO Box 1235
Kearney, NE 68848